Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Did You Think to Pray?

Throughout my life I have always known to pray. There was never any question about it! Need comfort? Pray! Happy? Pray! Sad? Pray! Grateful? Pray! See the pattern there? We should always be praying! There is a reason the Savior instructed us in 3rd Nephi to "pray on." 

My companion and I were driving down to a part of our mission that I had never been to before. While we were driving, it started to get dark out which made it very difficult to see any street names. Before we knew it, we were at a "T" in the road and we had no idea where we were with no ideas on which way to turn. So what did we do? We prayed!! 

After arriving home safely, we prayed then planned for the next day like usual. We woke up the next morning and did some studies but something felt off. As I gave it some thought, I realized there was one factor of our day that we had not prayed about and some things needed to be switched around. I knelt with my companion in prayer and as we took the situation to our Father in Heaven, He gave us guidance on what we needed to do and where we needed to be. It changed things up a bit, but we knew that it was what needed to happen. 

It was such a stellar day! We saw so many miracles and were blessed to be exactly where Heavenly Father needed us to be at the right time and with the right people. It was incredible! 

In Pinocchio we hear the song that we are all familiar with, "When you wish upon a star." As a little kid, I remember thinking how cool it would be to have a fairy come when I wished upon a star and grant my wish. But what we have is so much better. 

Our Heavenly Father knows us perfectly and loves us perfectly. No matter where we are, what time it is, no matter anything, we can talk to Him. He not only listens to us, but answers us back. He knows what we can become and when we turn to him and act in faith, He leads us to live and eternal life that is greater than we can imagine. 

We should ALWAYS pray to our Heavenly Father. I know He is there and that He answers prayers.

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