Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Walk

 My companion and I are running low on miles so we decided to walk around our area yesterday and find people to teach. It was a lovely, sunny day in Buffalo (which is very rare) so it was the perfect day to walk! Neither one of us knew where we were going too well, so we carried the GPS with us. That failed. We still got lost and as we tried talking to people, everyone shut their door on us. Someone even honked at us just to give us a not so nice sign. Instead of being upset, we did our best to laugh and keep walking. We were both more exhausted at the start of the day than we had been in a really long time and we knew that Satan was just working on us because he didn't want us to see the miracles that God had in store. We kept on walking. That primary song that goes "pioneer children sang as they walked and walked and walked and walked and walked..." was our theme song! After having walked around for a few hours, knocking on some doors, we both felt as if we were going to crumble to the ground.

Now lets talk about Cinderella. Her wicked stepmother locked her upstairs and tried to keep her from ending up with Prince Charming!! Cinderella started to get discouraged and thought that there was no way out. But some of her lovely little mouse friends came to rescue her. They helped her get out of the locked room so she could run down the stairs, put the glass slipper on and then marry Prince Charming!!! Just when things started to look dim, great things happened!!

Just like Cinderalla, things weren't looking so great for Sister Curtis and I. But we had faith that something good was about to happen. We had faith that we were going to see miracles. So...the walking continued. 

As we talked together on our trek through Orchard Park, we were both reminded of the scripture in Alma 26 that says, "Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success." We truly believed that we would see miracles and so our legs kept moving and we talked to everyone we saw. But when people don't want to talk to you, it gets a little depressing. Our laughter started to fade and my heart began to sink.

 Just then, the biggest truck I have ever seen pulls on the side of the road and rolls the window down. Who could it be? Sister Liscom!!!!!!!!! With the brightest, loving smile on her face she said, "Hop in Sisters! Where can I take you?" Words cannot describe the love I felt from my Heavenly Father in that moment. He knew that we were struggling and needed some assistance, so He sent sweet Sister Liscom to rescue us. As she drove us around for the next few hours to our different destinations, people still didn't want to talk with us but I was comforted knowing that my Heavenly Father was aware of me. Sister Liscom pulling up yesterday was a miracle to me. 

As I've been thinking about this experience, I've realized that we all have moments where we feel like things aren't going to look up, like we are stuck walking in the same path and very well might be lost. I know that we have a loving Father in Heaven that wants to bless us, but the blessings might not come on our time table or in the way we expect. Just like Elder Holland stated, "Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven. But for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come." As we are obedient and live true to the teachings of Jesus Christ, I know that good things will come. Never quit. Keep going and believe in good things to come. 

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